Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas 2010

I love the season, decorating my tree. Was one of the three kings for a play at church. Christmas is all about family and getting with friends, mostly my friends and Bush Gardens, we have so much fun. Was almost no one there, got to ride with no lines no waiting. Grands and me saw some christmas shows. I know is more to come because I am on the top of the list with Santa.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

More Mr Potter

Ready to go to school? Harry , let's go

Mr Potter

Mr Potter they called me this halloween 2010. My favorite part? casting spells to get candies. It works, people gave me some many that my pumpking almost broke.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ninja es my new name

Today I received my yellow belt. I was so proud. I worked hard for it. The whole family went to see me. I am surely growing up

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

First day at Karate

My first experience at karate, I like it, so here I am after the class, some pics at grandma. She is always ready with that camera to make memories for me

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My First Baseball Season

First time playing Baseball, I was voted the most fans on game . Started a little rusted, but with practice, I hit, ran not much sliding, but got the basic. I did very good, after all I am the little man. It was fun playing, making friends and my first experience playing, in all I did well.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

First game

I am a natural, so I think. My family and all my fans think so. Got two hits and lots of fun. Here are some pictures that grandma took to share.

My Birthday

We celebrated my 6th Birthday at the park. Was a beautiful day, sunny and warm. We grilled and had burguers, hot dogs and cake. The theme was Star Wars. As ussual I had more and more toys. We had lots of friends and family. FUN

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Halloween 2009

For Holloween my grandpa and me decided to be Indiana Jones, grandma , I don't no what she was, something from another country I guess. We had fun fun fun

It takes creativity

Got to catch up with the rest of 2009- Grandma went shopping and got me this set of inspirational, concentrational pieces and I developed numerous of things. Here are some of my pieces. After all that construction was time to play

Time for a new motorycle

Going on a ride around the neighborhood, this is a cool motorcycle, but I outgroing it. My Bike is too big, and I am getting heavy for this one. OHHHH WELLLLLLLLLL